The Woman’s World Cover

It’s a very exciting thing, albeit strange as hell, to see my face on a magazine. Seven months ago, just as I was starting this blog, I wrote letters to a number of magazines. In these letters to editors, I shared my journey of losing 135 lbs, my reflections about life then and now, and asked if they’d be interested in allowing me to write a piece for their magazines.  Not a one wrote me back. Until four months ago.

Woman’s World called me at the beginning of June, or maybe July. I should really know this, but the memory disk in my brain only has room for pumpkin spice cake and chocolate toffee almond bars. Anyway, they’d read my letter, clicked through this blog, and wanted to feature my story in the magazine. An interview. A photo shoot. The cover of the Halloween issue. I carefully hung up the phone and searched my apartment for Ashton Kutcher, certain that it was a Punk’d revival. It was one thing to write in this space, this .com where my craziness is allowed and even…welcomed? But being on the cover of a magazine felt very…exposed. I agreed, a few weeks passed, and before I knew it I was sitting cross-legged in my living room at 8am for a phone interview. In my favorite pajama pants, I answered nearly 50 questions. An hour and a half. What did I weigh before?  When and why did I decide to lose weight? Was I always big? What did I eat when I weighed my most? What did I eat while I lost weight? How many calories? Did I use a program? Did I exercise? How much weight did I lose per week? When did I realize that I had made it? What advice can I offer people who are trying to lose weight? What foods and meals would I recommend? What strategies would I recommend to lose weight? Any tips and tricks?


It was comfortable. My interviewer, Michelle, was friendly; she was calm; she put me at ease. She remained patient when I lost my train of thought on the subject of Doritos.  I tried not to dissect our conversation. I realized two minutes into it that I’d probably have a much different story spread across two pages of a magazine if I’d had my way. Then again, if I had my way Cadbury Creme Eggs would be sold year ’round. We can’t always get what we want.  But back to the article. If I wrote it myself, I’d speak less about numbers and specifics and tips and tactics, and instead spend two full pages bleeding publicly about emotionally eating myself into an oblivion for twenty years and then, over the course of thirteen months and four years, healing. Less the how and more the why. Because that’s what really matters and, on the deepest level, that is what changed me. But I understood that the direction and tone of the article wouldn’t be as heavy and intense as I would have wanted it to be. And that’s genuinely okay. It’s not necessarily Woman’s World’s cup of tea to let me steer the magazine into a therapy session. I get it. I hung up the phone, said, “Well, that was that,” read People News, ate a slice of banana bread, and went to work.

Two weeks later I was on a plane to Los Angeles for the cover shoot. A day that began with me summer-saulting out of bed at 3:30 am to catch a 7am flight. That damn cell phone is always just a smidgen farther than my wingspan allows. Two Starbucks Venti black coffees and a two and a half hour plane ride later, I was greeted in baggage claim by a driver displaying a placard with my name on it. Let me say that seeing my name printed on a sign, being held by a hair-slicked and suited gentleman, makes me feel a little like Will Smith must have when he showed up on Uncle Phil’s doorstep in Bel Air. Maybe just uncomfortable letting him tote my Jansport. I will admit to doing my best rendition of Kim Kardashian at LAX, though. Oversized black shades, the big bouncy hairdo, and a larger-than-Santa’s-sack purse. Wishing I had a rear end to match.

My stay in the City of Angels was truly five hours long. Barely enough time to develop a drug addiction and dine at the Ivy. But, short as it was, I got quite a bit accomplished. The photo shoot included a rack of designer clothing, me trying on seventeen outfits and flinging each one out of the changing room like Joan Crawford in “Mommy Dearest,” getting my hair done, my makeup shelacked on, and pretending to have some sort of confidence and grace. The last one was a doozy.


When all was said and done, I was whisked back to the airport and onto a plane home to Seattle. I waltzed through the front door of my apartment and told Daniel a story involving a flutter of paparazzi, cameras flashing, a go ’round with Brody Jenner, the Viper Room, caviar, and champagne. Then we ate Domino’s.

And fast forward to now, that photo shoot is (dis?)gracing the cover of Woman’s World on news stands.

I read the article about my story today and on the whole, I think it’s good. I feel very very lucky. I should send Woman’s World a Pumpkin Spice Layer Cake in gratitude.

I just might.



74 thoughts on “The Woman’s World Cover

  1. Nicole

    NO WAY!!!!! I am like so crazy excited for you and now I’m going to hunt down that magazine and tell everyone that I ‘kind of’ know the girl on the cover!!!! :) It honestly couldn’t have happened to a better person. And someday, you’re going to get your chance to tell it your way, with all the emotion you need to include. Because I think that there are a lot of emotional eaters out there who need to hear your story in its entirety… not just the weight-loss secrets. But for now, CONGRATS!!!

  2. Amy @ Second City Randomness

    Andrea! You look fantastic! :)

    How exciting! I’m honestly glad you posted about it first- I can’t imagine what my reaction would have been had I been standing in line at the grocery store and seen your face smiling back at me… I imagine a freak out text would have been sent. ;)

  3. Erin

    Congratulations! You look absolutely GORGEOUS on the cover. I’m sure you hear this all the time but you look so much like Danica McKellar. :D

  4. RhodeyGirl

    Congrats! You are so gorgeous.

    I think Kath was on the cover once.

    Q: Can you get permission to scan and post the article here? It would be awesome to be able to see it!

  5. Niki

    oh my gosh, this is amazing!!! I’m so happy for you, this is definitely another awesome accomplishment to add to your list! I’m buying my copy today!

  6. Cindy

    I KNEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEW that photo shoot post was going to have an AMAZING ending.

    (althought admittedly my pea brain thought it had something to do with movies… or like you were going on food network)

    THAT SO ROCKS and as soon as I can unchain my self from my desk day I am hitting a store to grab one!

    will you sign it for me???????????


    you are SO gorgeous and amazing and talented. ENJOY every moment and I am glad you like the article. leaving your story up to interpretation can be scary. TRUST ME!!!!!

    Halloween edition??? there were clues! your orange and black outift…your black tank and orange necklace…AND the pumpkins in the background.

    again, it all said Fall at the Food Network to me.

    I’m really bad at “where’s Waldo” too.


  7. Julie

    Congratulations Andrea… I will definitely pick one up at the store. You look so pretty on the cover and I’m sure this will boost the interest in your blog. I feel like I know you… haha… funny and creepy all at the same time, but it’s great to see a local Seattle foodie on the cover of any national magazine. Way to go and I hope it launches you forward in your career on to more new fun adventures.

  8. satschuck

    I’m going to buy this one – and I obsessively check your blog every day and when there isn’t a new post (because you have a life of your own) I read an old post. THANKS for your honesty and insight and the yummy food!

  9. Leah @ Why Deprive?

    Andrea!! This is SO exciting! I’m so glad I read this today, since I’m going grocery shopping first thing in the morning. I’m pretty sure I would have flipped out in the middle of the grocery store (out of excitement obviously) if I didn’t know in advance.
    I am so excited for you, you’ve done such an amazing thing for yourself, you deserve recognition for that.

  10. Sarah

    You’re so beautiful! Can’t wait to see it, I love your story and I think your walk into intuitive eating and healing is important, but for many seeing the “how” can possibly guide them to that place! Oh and I made your black bean burgers on thursday, they were awesome!

  11. overweighted

    Wow…..what a great opportunity for you. Standing in the check out lane at the store has just become very different for you as you see yourself on a magazine cover. You worked hard to get there so enjoy every moment.

  12. naina

    Wow just found your blog from Melissa’s and a huge congrats to you for losing weight AND for being on the cover of Women’s World. You look beautiful!!!

  13. Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine

    Ahhh this is so cool, congrats!!! My jaw dropped when I saw you on the cover the other day…I was like…oh, that girl looks a lot like Andrea. Wait, her name IS Andrea. That’s Andrea!! I almost bought it, but I was already spending a bit too much on mixers, nail polish and gum haha. So cool though!

  14. Suzy

    So I’m at WalMart yesterday, in the checkout aisle and I see a familiar face on the cover “where do I know her from?!-wait..I STALK her blog like crazy!!!”
    It was a purchase I had to make! I got out to the truck and pulled it out of the bag and waved it at my husbad “I know her, ok, I don’t KNOW her, but I read her blog all the time!!!”
    He wasn’t as excited as I was, but he still thought it was cool!

  15. Sandy

    I read your article and that is why I’m checking out your blog. I loved your philosophy about creating your own version from Weight Watchers and even cut out the meal plan. I knew after reading about you that I needed to check out this blog.

    This is very cool and I love what I’ve seen so far!!! You have been on an amazing journey and I intend to follow in your footsteps. I’ve already lost 35 lbs and have 10 more to go but find that the strict plans set me up for failure. Your plan is something I can live with. I can’t wait to read more about your blog!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to you!!! I’m sure you will have many more new fans on the way after this magazine ciruculation!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Can You Stay for Dinner

      Thank you very much Sandy!! Congratulations to you for losing 35lbs- that’s no easy feat! It’s so important to find yoru own way in weight loss. Especially once you’ve learned the basics of nutrition, you can then mold it into a plan that works for you. Thanks again for your kind words and welcome to the blog!

  16. Pingback: Trusting Yourself « Can You Stay for Dinner?

  17. Summer Gerber

    Hi Andrea, so I saw your story on the cover of woman’s world, which is what inspired me to buy it. While reading the article I decided to check out your blog. Congratulations on all your accomplishments and I hope you continue sharing your story, strategies and motivation. It certainly has motivated me to want to work hard to lose the 65 pounds I’ve been carrying around for 10 years.

  18. Stacie

    That is a great story. I was at work reading the article, but was interrupted by work. I was going to go back to buy it, but I forgot, then I went back today and they already stocked the selves with new ones. I was so sad.


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