Boston Love


I’ve stepped away from the blog this week because, well, everything I thought to post just seemed so trivial in light of the recent Boston bombings. Boston is where I’m from, where the whole of my family resides. Publishing a recipe didn’t feel right. And so, in lieu of anything culinary or creative, I’ll just stop in just to say hello. I’m thinking of you. I hope you’re safe and sound, and that all those you know and care for are OK as well.  My heart goes out to everyone affected (in any way) by Monday’s tragedy.


photo by jeffgunn



16 thoughts on “Boston Love

  1. Kaitlin

    My heart was broken to hear what happened in Boston. My prayers are with you and your family and all who have been affected by this tragedy.

  2. teachermrw

    Boston is one of my all-time favorite cities in the world. I have visited there many, many times for both business and pleasure, and have travelled the localities impacted by the bombings on numerous occasions. Therefore, the tragedy has touched me in a personal way. My thoughts and prayers are also with all of those affected by this most senseless act of violence.

  3. Bett

    Thank you for your thoughtful words on this sad event. It is so important for those that can to slow down and give some energy (prayer or otherwise) to this situation. This is a tragic event and should not be trivialized. My heart goes out to the families of the injured.

  4. Heather

    Andie – I’ve been reading your blog for a while now but this is my first comment. I was born and raised in MA (and I’m a fellow UMass Amherst alum!) and I just want to say thanks for acknowledging the tragic events that happened at the Boston Marathon on Monday. Maybe I’m feeling a little self-centered about it because I’m from the area, but there seems to be a depressingly small amount of mention of these events by most of the blogs I read. It really leaves a bad taste in my mouth to see so many “business as usual” style posts and I wish more people had the respect you’ve shown here. :)

    1. darcy

      One of the blogs I read had a really great piece from an actual runner, check out if you have time

  5. Mike

    My heart goes out to all those affected by the horrible incident in Boston. This is most definitely a time for us to appreciate everything we have got, and how truly special the gift of life is.

  6. Shawna

    I am so glad that *YOU* are safe and sound Andie! be extra good to yourself this week, and thanks for making so many of ours that much sweeter and more reassuring when we need it. :)

    1. Hootie

      Me too! I’m glad you all are safe tried the PB and banana smoothie thing this morning but did almond butter and banana and protein powder and its the bomb. Used chunky almond butter, calling it the chunky monkey :)

  7. Cinnamon Vogue

    I feel the same way Andie. What a fitting dedication. I didn’t want to even do anything, just glued to the news hoping they would catch them fast. Used to visit when my brother was at Harvard and when my cousin was at MIT. Now we find a Police officer was shot and killed at MIT. It is a crying shame. Just the thought of those people without legs just makes my heart go into deep anguish. Love Boston. The best of America.

  8. Lisa

    May we please have some Andie happiness?? It has been an awful week or so for all of us- what’s better to fix that then making all of us happy? :-)

  9. Joanna

    My prayers are with all the victims and families, an atrocious thing like this should never happen. Now is a time for us all to be together :)


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