What Does 1800 Calories Look Like?




1 bagel 300 (preferably whole grain, but whichever you love most)
3 tablespoons full fat cream cheese 100
2 cups fresh fruit 100
500 calories



Loaded lunch saladsee this post
400 calories



Apple (or any fist-sized piece of fruit)
100 calories


vegan black bean burger (5)

Vegan Black Bean Burger on a whole wheat bun with toppings 400
(toppings include: lettuce, tomato, onion, ketchup, mustard, pickles)
2 cups cooked vegetables (grilled, roasted, steamed) or salad 100
500 calories



2 pieces biscotti 300
Chamomile tea
300 calories



21 thoughts on “What Does 1800 Calories Look Like?

  1. Laura

    Love these posts! It makes me feel so much better about tackling my calorie limit for the day when I see how much food I really can eat and still stay under. Thank you!

  2. Alex

    Love this series. Love that you boast the “full fat”. Beautiful photos….these are such good healthy doses of nutritional reality. Encouraging too. Thanks!

  3. Kristin

    This is such a fantastic idea. So many people give up on weight loss because they don’t believe they can eat enough food with a calorie allotment. What I have discovered is you can eat tons of food and stay under 2000 calories if you are making smart choices and eating mounds of fruits and vegetables.

  4. Lynners

    These posts have been SO helpful – I can definitely see that I’m over eating and a lot of my portion sizes are just too big!

  5. Kait

    This is the 1st time that I post here. I am so glad that I found your blog and that you are doing these kinds of post. As a diabetic, it helps to broaden my horizon with healthier choices. Keep up the good work.

  6. mikayla

    hi! I came across your blog on pinterest and I love it! I’m 16 and ever since a few years ago have been so interested in nutrition and exercise. I read your history with exercise and it was just great. I started a blog a year ago where I talk about exercise and eating healthy too, and review great books, if you want to check it out at greenleanteen.com :) I saw you posted a picture of Seattle when you were writing about where you live– I live in Lake Stevens (45 minutes north)!

  7. Kate S.

    Have been reading (and falling in love with your writing and your story) for a few months. What I love about all of these menus is that they all look equally appealing to me, regardless of the calorie amounts. You are helping me fall back in love with food after a bit of a dry spell. You’ve also gotten me on a daily huge salad kick–you aren’t kidding; it makes me feel fantastic! Thank you!

  8. The Onion Farmers Wife aka Crystal

    LOVE!!!!!love your blog….your such an inspiration! Can’t wait for your book! I have been struggling with my weight loss, then I was re inspired by you. Thanks so much. The line “It’s just gonna suck for a while.” totally hit home. Your awesome. Thanks for the reality check.

  9. Mildly Entertained

    I noticed you post salads for most/all dinners. Any suggestions for a mid-day lunch other than salads? I typically do them myself but think it makes me extra “gassy” (for lack of a better word – sorry).

  10. Marie

    Never commented before but these posts are awesome. Really, genius.
    (I love that you save calories for dessert; however, I don’t really have a sweet tooth so I’d probably add them to the lunch salad)

  11. Kelsey

    This looks almost luxurious to me and for 1800 calories it really opened my eyes. Usually if I ate a bagel with full fat cream cheese I’d feel guilty but this whole day looks perfect!

  12. Kelsey

    These are a good base for any day and makes me feel confident enough to switch out some things or mix it to my taste and not be worried about every single thing I eat and does it stick to the plan!? Thank you for posting these :) x x


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