Weekly Coffee Date

spring tulips

I’m finally doing it. It’s something I’ve thought about forever, have been talking about for a couple years now, so next week I’m biting the bullet and starting a podcast. Not a traditional interview-style podcast, but a conversation-per-episode podcast where I imagine that, as a listener, it will feel like you’re overhearing two best friends talking about any number of topics–from the personal stuff to the weird and funny stuff. I’m so excited to see what happens and all the new ways I can mortify myself.

What do you think?


For anyone who loves (and nowadays everyone does, right?) a white interior, here’s the fabulous Grace Bonney of Design Sponge weighing in on how the all-white aesthetic has affected design.

I’ve seen every episode of Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee and love every drip drop of it.

I know we’re well into spring, but I want to start a spring/summer capsule wardrobe like Tracy.

Girls. This season was unnerving and heartbreaking and meaningful all at once and that’s why I love this show. Episode 6 (The Panic in Central Park) is still kind of sitting heavy with me.

A new study on Biggest Loser contestants has led to a whole lot of articles, including this one: Why Do So Many Dieters Gain the Weight Back?

What’s new with you? 



30 thoughts on “Weekly Coffee Date

  1. Kristen

    I’m so excited about your podcast!! We’ll have to endure the pains of starting together…it feels so out of my comfort zone yet so right too, you know, as I’ve been wanting to do one forever. But ugh! So much to learn!!

  2. Laura

    I’ve been a reader for years. I listen to podcasts often on my way into work. Can’t wait to add yours to my favorites!! Yay!

  3. Anne F.

    Oooo la la! Sounds wonderful to me! CanNOT wait to wait hear your voice and what you have to say or share with us. It will be wonderful!
    Yeah!!!!! You go girl! Show us how it is done! So very proud of you! Using your talents and sharing them with us!

  4. Kirsten J

    Ok, yay! I had your book parked on my nightstand for way too long (no time to read, and when I fall into bed, I crash into sleep before I can finish a paragraph it seems) until I finally got on the wait list for the audio version at the library. And listening to your voice brought it to life! Thank you!! I’m super excited to subscribe!

  5. mcp

    Andie, I can’t WAIT for your podcast- read your book and no one has EVER captured the struggle like you – your book spoke to me and was more healing than years of therapy…keep writing, blogging, talking…thanks!

  6. Erin

    Yasssssss!!!! I have some of the podcasts you’ve been on downloaded on my phone to listen to when I need inspiration on the train, so this will be even better. Also, if you are doing this after years of thinking about it, I think I should follow your lead and finally write my first post in the blog I started setting up a few weeks ago.

  7. Hootie

    Yaaassssssss!!!!! To the podcast!!!!!! So excited :) I want Tracy’s capsule wardrobes too! I saw it linked off of jessicas site and fell in love. I just got done watching Felicity for the first time (totally missed it back in the day) and planning to follow up with more 90s/early 2000’s tv with Dawson’s creek next.

  8. Jennifer H.

    OH MY GOSH! I am so excited to start listening. I was huge fan of the Manic Mommies and miss listening to them. Their show was the same type of format. Cannot wait to hear you!!!

  9. Chris

    Yay! So looking forward to your podcast! PS, I am almost done reading your memoir. Thank you for having written this, you have no idea how inspirational it is and it has pushed me to do something about losing weight and exercising. When I don’t feel like hitting the gym, I say to myself “can you dedicate one hour today to exercise”. When I look at it that way, the answer is a resounding Yes I can!

  10. Beth R.

    A podcast would be fantastic! i love radio shows and such that are just a couple of people chatting! Great idea!!

  11. Hannah

    Giiiiirl. Panic in Central Park… Longing for something familiar and comfortable and then having that shattered into a million pieces. So rough. Have you seen the “extra part” where Lena talks about the making of the episode? Oh man, that woman knows my soul. Sometimes it takes the crushing of a dream/fantasy to realize what you do or do not want in life. “Hautning” is the perfect description.


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